Hi Friend,
The Right to Farm is being threatened by some at the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission.
At a hearing tomorrow, the County Planning Commission will be taking up changes to the ordinance that could impact the right to farm. They are considering restrictions on one crop, cannabis, which sets a dangerous precedent on how all farmers tend to their livelihood. We need you to contact the Planning Commission today and tell them to reject these unnecessary changes.
Click HERE to send an email now supporting the Right to Farm.
The Planning Commission is proposing rules that an outdoor, sun grown crop must not have any smell that crosses a property line. This is a rule that would be nearly impossible for any farmer to comply with as nearly every crop produces some odor.
The cannabis industry is taking extraordinary measures to control and prevent odors. Their best practices also include adopting and implementing the highest management standards in pesticide-free organic cannabis cultivation, fair wages and hiring practices, and environmental stewardship.
If our county wants to preserve its agricultural heritage, it must protect the right to farm. Please send the Planning Commission a message to reject these rules.
Read more about the work our cannabis farmers have done to uphold best farming practices in the Santa Maria Sun and the Santa Barbara Independent.
Thank you again for your support and for sharing this journey with us.