At the beginning of this month, Governor Gavin Newsom issued his revised state budget to the State Legislature reaffirming the state’s commitment to help grow the cannabis industry, streamline the licensing process and extend provisional licenses to help cannabis operators ease into annual licenses.
We are very pleased with the Governor’s early actions in providing a level of certainty and purpose through the regulatory and legislative process. As farmers, the more lead time we have to plan the less risk we encounter. The California market, although healthy, remains volatile as we continue to navigate constant modifications and changes in local and state regulations, fees and taxes.
We are delighted to announce and share that one of our members, Teddy Cabugos, President of Sunstone Winery and his winemaker Brittany Rice earned the approval of the Santa Barbara County Planning Commission. Teddy is a good friend of sun-grown organic cannabis farmers and virtuoso pioneering marketing wizard. They will become the first Cannabis and Wine Project in the County, and possibly in the entire state of California.
Please vew their majestic vineyard here and their feature coverage in the Santa Barbara Independent – “Weed and Wine Come Together in Santa Ynez Valley”.
From the beginning, Good Farmers Great Neighbors has always taken a view that we are at our best when we work together with our community and neighbors. Central Coast Agriculture won that distinction recently with a strong affirmation of support from the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors.
…”I think one of our planning commissioners stated this – the ‘Odor Control Plan’, is the Platinum Standard….
- Supervisor Steve Lavagnino
“ I like hoops, because when I look at hoops…I see reduced pesticide use, I see reduced water use, I see a superior working environment for our agricultural workers”.
- Supervisor Bob Nelson, Chair
“The VOC testing will help us in the future, …and I think it’s an important addition to our portfolio of managing cannabis projects going forward”.
- Supervisor Gregg Hart
Our collective commitment has always been clear: we are from the community, we are here for the community and will work tirelessly to work together with all our neighbors, friends, community leaders and interested parties to help build a sustainable future for economic growth and prosperity for all.
Together We Thrive!
Eternally grateful and appreciative, please send us your thoughts, suggestions and comments.
Sara Rotman and John De Friel, Co-Founders