Momentum continues to build among congressional leaders in support of federal legislation to recognize cannabis and address criminal justice reform, banking and commerce regulatory issues.
This week a large group of bi-partisan members of Congress re-introduced the Safe Banking Act of 2021 to provide additional safe harbor provisions for banks, credit unions and insurance companies.
It is very likely that the Safe Banking Act will pass in some form this year and in doing so will give the green light to local and regional banks and financial institutions to provide comprehensive financial services to legal cannabis businesses and farmers. This proposal is strongly supported by the American Bankers Association, US Credit Union Association and the Insurance Agents Organization.
Santa Barbara County has a wealth and diverse group of banks, credit unions and insurance providers who may benefit when the legislative proposal passes this year and is signed into law by the President either as a stand alone bill or part of a larger comprehensive legislative package.
Concurrently, the Congressional leaders of the House of Representatives announced this week that they will re-introduce the MORE ACT to deliberate the final details to outright legalize cannabis and provide a regulatory framework to move forward as soon as possible.
Equally important, the Senate Majority Leader, Chair of the powerful Senate Finance Committee and a Senator who’s voice echoes the great civil rights leader John Lewis, got together over the weekend and produced a video – declaring their strong commitment and collective purpose to pass a comprehensive cannabis legislative package this year. Click here to view.
Closer to home, we as a community and a family are beginning to see and experience the careful re-opening of local businesses, restaurants, eateries, cafés, parks and beaches. We stand hopeful and grateful with all of our friends, neighbors and community who leaned in over the past year and provided good counsel and helpful advice to keep the faith, stay united, continue to outreach, build coalitions and strengthen local partnerships.
To this end, we invite you to celebrate with us and hundreds more a fun loving annual event, here – in our community, the Buellton Brew Festival!
This year, for obvious reasons, the Buellton Brew Fest will be celebrated creatively from the comforts of your home, garage or backyards – bringing music, entertainment, craft beers and local wine to your doorstep.
Click here to get your tickets
This is our moment as a community to continue to demonstrate our resolve and strength to be the best outdoor, sungrown, organic cannabis farmers in the region – integrating the most effective water and environmentally sustainable practices that state regulators frequently recognize.
We welcome your feedback and insights.
Tell a friend and join us.
In appreciation,
Sara and John